PHONE : +310657463633
Pinelopi Korozi was born (1985) in Athens. She lived there until 2016 where she also attended film school for 2 years(2013-2015). Her decision to move to Amsterdam had proven critical for her evolution as an artist as she got accepted (2019) at the Willem De Kooning academy at the Audiovisual Department where she currently studies. Her main focus is on films, interactive media and installations with topics that contain or reject the concept of reality and time .

Memory (2015) : (5 min) A short film about a woman who's escaping a dream to a repeated reality.

Now is forever (2019) : (1 min) Repeat reality/Copy dreams/Encode darkness
A woman dives in her unconscious to embrace her deepest nightmares.

Bad Education (2020) (Ongoing project) : Interactive media video installation. A comment on todays social media frenzy with visuals that react live to twitter user’s comments that contain the word bad or education.

The cave (2020) : (1min) (Airport Rotterdam the Hague) A visual experience of transformative abstract images that is based in Plato’s allegory of the cave.

Fear is the medium (2020) : (4:55min) (In collaboration with Bas Dickhoff, Gerany Koerni & Kimberley de Bruijn) A film essay on how the mass media media use propaganda in order to create a state of fear.

Movies that matter (2021) : (0:37sec) Official trailer for the film festival Movies that matter

Alluvium (2021) : (05:15) Virtual reality experience that follows the path of the atlantic slavetrade triangle. The journey is represented through maritime materialities below the surface of the ocean, which relate to the aftermath of slavery - a sea of loss. A loss of people and their cultures, their lives, ancestry and futures. In collaboration with Tomasz Kulpiński and Kürşat Akyüz .

Read to Nowhere (2021) (Work in progress) Music video clip in collaboration with Bas Dickhoff and Lucija Miljkovic